5 Marla House Construction Cost 2020

7877875first of all, we would like to tell you 5 marla home construction cost from foundation to plaster finish including boundary wall cost and safety grills, and steel main gate

about 5 marla house construction cost there are so many blogs on the internet lots of them are correct and lots of them are wrong by unprofessional

we will tell you exactly in Shah Allah there will be very slightly differenced on the execution

10 marla house design 

cost of construction 5 marla house we will start from labour foundation till plaster and we will tell you about what things are included in the grey structure

the most common question of the peoples when they call and ask about grey structure items and rate

approx nowadays grey structure till plasters labor rate is starting from 275/sqft up to 350/sqft

its depends on the design and location of the projects

and 5 marla house covered are is approx starting from for the 2 story house is 1900/sqft up to 2100/sqft

Labour costs for the 5 marla house

275 x 1900 = 522,500/= PKR

350 x 1900 = 665,000/= PKR

Till Grey Structure work (plaster including outside work no need to pay extra for the outside work )

Bricks for the 5 marla house construction

approx 70,000 bricks required for the 5 marla house construction 2 story building with 2nd floor 170/sqft including parapet wall and boundary wall

if your plot depth is 3 feet down maximum from the road level

nowadays bricks rate is 11.5 1st class brick 2nd class brick rate is 10.5

70000 x 12.5 = 805.000/= PKR

70000 x 11.5 = 735.000/=PKR

now we will tell you much cement bags do you need to build 5 marla construction

Nowadays the cement bags price is 515-525 PKR

and you will need 1050 cement bags for all the work including wall mortar plaster PCC and all outside work

1050 x 750= 787,500/= PKR 

how much gravel do you need for the 5 marla house construction

you will need 1800/sqft crush (gravel stone 1/2 down ) for the construction slabs (lentil ) and p.c.c

gravel price is

98 margala

93 rohi

90 sargodha normal

95 sargodha special

1800 x 90= 162,000/= PKR

sand how much sand trolley do you need for the construction of 5 marla house

approx you will need 6 trolleys for the 5 marla house

each trolley gonna cost you around 9k it depends on the distance and city

9000 x 7 = 63,000/= PKR

Steel Rebar How do you need for the 5 marla house slabs 2 stories with 2nd floor 170/sqft

approx you will need 2500/kg steel for the all work like slabs ( lentil ) and other mics work there are 3 type of steel available in the market

1 Grade 60

2 Grade 40

3 Local Steel

Grade 60 rate is 195

Grade 40 rate is 185

Local steel rate is 170

2500 x 195 =  487,000/= PKR

Electrical Pipes underground only piping included in the grey structure

in the market, there are so many types of electrical pipes available but some of them are good like

1 popular

2 GM

3 Turk Plast

approx electric pipes expense is 45k without labour only piping wall boxes and fan boxes and other mics items popular brand

Electrical labor going to close you lumpsum amount 30k approx

Electrical pipes 45,000/=

Electrician labor 30,000/=

Total Electric cost 75,000/= PKR

Plumbing pipes and GAS WATER Sewerage and PPRC pipes

same here there are so many brands in the in the pipes as well most of them are local but some of them are the best

1 Popular


3 Turk Plast

Approx plumber and pprc pipes going to cost you for the 5 marla house 110,000/=

and labor for the all work till grey structure 40,000/=

Mics Items for the 5 marla home construction cost

Termite proofing

Foundation PCC

External work Mics

is going to cost you around 70,000/=


Items Pr/sqft – price QTY Amount Total
Labor 275 1900    522,500    3,131,400/pkr
Bricks 12.5 70000    875,000
Cement 750 1050    787,500
Crush (Gracvel) 95 1800    171,400
Sand 9000 7      63,000
Steel 195 2500    487,000
Electric Pipes      45,000
Electric Labor      30,000
Plumbing Pipes    110,000
Plumbing Labor      40,000
Mics Items      70,000



5 marla house construction cost

For the 10 marla house construction cost 2020 click here 

5 marla construction steel binding

House Construction Steel Binding Picture Above 

5 marla house design

5 marla house complete brick structure